The following was sent in our email newsletter Sunday, October 13 from Student Achievement Partners President Amy Briggs.

Next month, Student Achievement Partners will enter its 12th year as a nonprofit dedicated to raising student achievement through evidence-based action. Over this time, we have supported thousands of education leaders and classroom teachers to align instruction to challenging K–12 academic standards. Our team has:

  • Collaborated on efforts to improve literacy and math instruction with 100+ organizations including state education agencies, districts, publishers, professional learning providers, teacher preparation programs, and assessment developers.
  • Created virtual and in-person spaces for a network of 88,000+ educators to collaborate with and learn from each other, resulting in over 31M resources downloaded from SAP’s website:

The landscape of standards-aligned, evidence-based instruction is very different today. Educators have new choices for high-quality instructional materials, and many more options for professional learning to support the implementation of those materials. Educators also face the challenges and opportunities created by a global pandemic. It is more critical than ever to ensure that all students, particularly Black students and multilingual learners, have access to joyful, relevant, grade-level instruction. SAP is committed to continuing to collaborate with educators over the long term as we tackle both challenge, and opportunity, together. 

As we look ahead to the future, I am delighted to share that SAP will welcome a new President, Joy Delizo-Osborne, as of November 1, 2022. I can think of no better leader for the next step of this organization’s journey than Joy. An educator by passion and by profession, Joy has over a decade of experience in the Bronx, Harlem, and the Bay Area as a teacher, instructional coach, and principal. She has been a key senior leader since she joined SAP in 2019. Joy’s move into the President role follows months of careful transition, and she takes the helm with the full support of our Board of Directors, key philanthropic partners, and team. Please join me in congratulating Joy, and in celebrating this new chapter for Student Achievement Partners. 

I’ve appreciated the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful team working to improve literacy and math learning for every student, and I look forward to our paths crossing again in the future. 

Thank you for your partnership and support!
