Reading as Liberation—An Examination of the Research Base

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The time of a “one size fits all” approach to literacy instruction has passed. Every individual student — especially those from historically marginalized groups, such as Black students, students learning English, or students whose families are experiencing prolonged economic hardship — should receive the specific tools, instruction, and support they need and deserve to succeed. To address improving literacy outcomes for all students, we have compiled a new report on personalized learning and literacy that offers effective, research-based solutions. 

We’ve compiled research from more than 500 expert sources to explore the ways research-based literacy approaches combined with strategic personalized learning can accelerate literacy and create equity in the classroom. By downloading the report, you’ll receive:

  • Evidence-backed, actionable tools, tips, and ideas for educators and decision makers 
  • Guiding principles to optimize personalized learning
  • Evidence-based components of literacy acceleration
  • Research-based practices that promote equity & counteract bias in the classroom

Accelerating Literacy for ALL

Download the report and join us in our goal to help every student achieve literacy success!

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Explore by Section

Consideration Questions

Will your approach to literacy instruction equitably accelerate student learning? Use these research-based questions to examine your instructional approach(es) to literacy and identify the strengths and needs of your current –or future–program. These questions can be used to evaluate core and supplemental programs or approaches.


Implementation Guidance for Literary Acceleration

We recommend a research-based ELA program using all five literacy accelerators in an integrated application, along with a focus on personalized instruction that truly meets each individual’s needs. This quick-reference guidance document outlines instructional approaches based on what kind of ELA program is currently in place, so that each school, teacher, and student can reach literacy success.

By: Student Achievement Partners Published August 17, 2021