Elementary School

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Classroom Structures and Math Milestones™

As educators, it is easy to spend most of our day putting out little…

By Katiria Caceres

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Continuing the Journey: Piloting the Instructional Materials Landscape Analysis

A Conversation with Karie Mullassery and Sathya Seigel of South San Francisco Unified School…

By Katie Keown

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The Development of the Landscape Analysis Process

A conversation with Joanna Yip of the English Learners Success Forum As we shared…

By Katie Keown

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Strategies to Empower Parents/Caregivers of Multilingual Learners

Leveraging Spanish-speaking parents’/caregivers’ language for at-home learning support Why and How to Empower Parents/Caregivers?…

By Luisa Palacio

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Inform and Empower Families about Math Instruction

As math teachers, you’ve probably heard someone say, “Math just isn’t taught the same…

By Rachel Fuhrman

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Collaborating for Multilingual Learners in the Real World

Building relationships to enhance students’ learning experiences in the classroom. Sharing a Common Goal…

By Daniel Schmidt

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Practical Ideas to Support Newcomer Students

Building an understanding of how to support newcomers in the classroom. Are All Newcomers…

By Angelica Shornack

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Serving Language Learners From an Asset-Based Lens

Setting the Stage for Language Learner Success Through an Asset-Based Lens Educators in the…

By Mary Phillips

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Text Complexity is…well…complex!

Shifting perspectives about high-interest, low-level texts. I began my educational journey as a second-grade…

By Shanita Rapatalo

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