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e² Instructional Practice Suite™

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Why did we create the e² Instructional Practice Suite™?

We created the e² Instructional Practice Framework and accompanying e² Suite of Tools to offer a transformative understanding of high-quality math and literacy instruction in K-12 learning environments. We know that access to grade-level instruction for all students is a necessary piece of creating more equitable education outcomes, but is not sufficient on its own. The e² Instructional Practice Framework™ presents an evidence-based definition of high-quality instruction that expands beyond just grade-level to encompass other essential components. 

The e² Suite of Toolsis grounded in this research and supports educators in bringing this vision into practice at scale

“Our e² Instructional Practice Suite™ is both essential and equitable. It focuses on and commits to joy. It welcomes the wholeness of students’ lives and expects the task to welcome that wholeness as well. It is standards-aligned and whole-child welcoming. It, simply, is what great teachers have always known great instruction to be.”

Joy Delizo-Osborne, President, Student Achievement Partners

What is included in the e² Instructional Practice Suite™?

The e² Instructional Practice Suite™ is a set of research and evidence-based resources designed to equip instructional leaders with the tools to do three things: build a shared vision, understand the current state of teaching and learning in their schools relative to that vision, and take action to further deliver on the promise of relevant, engaging, grade-level instruction for all students.

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The Instructional Practice Framework™ – The research base behind Essential x Equitable () Instruction™

The Framework provides the research base that can support instructional leaders in building a vision for high-quality instruction that is both essential and equitable. This Framework is a foundation —it is meant to be combined with the e² Suite of Tools™ to form a coherent system of structures, policies, and practices aligned to that vision.

What are the components of the e² Instructional Practice Framework™?

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The Learning Walk Tools™ – Tools to support assessment of the current state of teaching and learning.

The Learning Walk Tool (LWT), developed from the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG), is available in two versions: mathematics and literacy. These tools gather non-evaluative data to create a snapshot of the teaching and learning across classrooms and/or schools through a series of brief classroom visits. Learning walks guided by the LWT intentionally elevate students’ experiences in the classroom by considering interactions between students, teachers, and content.

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Looking for the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG)?

Download the IPG
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If you currently use the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG) and want to learn more about how the tools in the e² Instructional Practice Suite™ build on that foundational resource, download the FAQ below.

Download the FAQ

The Interview Protocols™ – Tools to provide data and insight from teachers, students, and communities.

This set of resources is designed to capture authentic perspectives of teachers and students that reflect the realities of the classroom. Too often, data collection processes focus solely on grade-level outcomes while neglecting the aspects of lived experiences that contribute to equitable instruction, which can’t be as easily quantified. These tools allow for additional input into data collection processes that elevate the voices, leverage the assets, and honor the brilliance of students and teachers.

The Coaching Tools™ – Tools to Support Taking Action to Transform Instructional Practice

The e² Coaching Tools™ include a process and set of tools that supports educators to engage in personalized growth in e² classroom practice. The set of tools aims to humanize the coaching process, transforming instructional practice and amplifying student learning by grounding in the research and evidence-based strategies named in the e² Instructional Practice Framework™ and the indicators from the e² Learning Walk Tools™.

Published December 17, 2024